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Webinar Four: Gender & Identity
About this Event
Webinar Four brings the initial series to a close through discussion of the relationship between gender, identity and authenticity. The webinar will feature papers addressing how claims to "real" femininity and masculinity are contested and how gender politics frequently involves the negotiation of competing claims to authentic voices, bodies and gendered ways of being.
Keynote: Prof Sarah Banet-Weiser (London School of Economics, UK)
Kalia Prins (University of Wisconsin-Madison, US) - The Best a Man Can Be?: Finding a Place for “Real” Men in Feminist Critiques of Authenticity in Self-Care Advertising
Judith Fathallah (Solent University, UK) - Authenticity after Cock Rock: Emo and the Problem of Femininity
Emma Watts (London School of Economics, UK) - ‘I really love to hate other celebrities’: How Emma Watson is accepted as an authentic representative for feminists
Lucia Vodanovic (University of the Arts, UK) - Confessional journalism and authenticity: trust, intimacy and gender in contemporary news cultures
Link to join webinar: TBC
Event Organisation Team :
Dr Michael Skey, Senior Lecturer in Communication and Media Studies, Loughborough University, Centre for Research in Communication and Culture
Dr Thomas Thurnell-Read, Senior Lecturer in Sociology, Loughborough University, Centre for Research in Communication and Culture